Lead your Superlife: Healthy, Happy, Confident
Dear Gracy: Weight loss tips for BIG Snackers!
10 October 2017
Dear Gracy,
It’s always been very difficult for me to lose weight. Admittedly, I do snack quite often, but I’ve been eating much healthier snacks lately like apples, bananas, gaucamole with vegetable sticks. I don’t understand why I’m still not losing any weight! I really need your help. What are some of your weight loss tips and what am I doing wrong?
Much love,
Dear Danielle,
The one thing that people often forget is that even healthy snacks contain calories too. When you overeat snacks, even healthy ones, chances are you still won’t lose weight.
A medium sized apple has about 95 calories, a medium sized banana has about 105 calories, a cup of guacamole has about 360 calories (not even including the veggie sticks). Even though these healthy snacks are already a step up from bad snacks as they are more nutritious, in the end of the day, if your goal is to lose weight, all of the calories from these snacks will add up and prevent you from losing weight. Perhaps you might even gain weight from over-snacking!
My biggest advice in this situation would be to keep a food diary. Write down exactly what you’re eating throughout the day and keep track of how many calories you are consuming. Nowadays, they even have really helpful food diary apps like Myfitnesspal that instantly adds up your caloric and nutrient intake when you key in the foods you’ve eaten.
Remember, the only way you can lose weight is to consume less calories than you exert. Keeping a food diary will help you keep track of exactly what you’ve eaten throughout the day and is highly likely to stop you from overeating. Overall, a food diary will help you reach your ultimate body goals!
Practice this with patience, and over time, you’ll see amazing results 😉
Your Superfriend,
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