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Lead your Superlife: Healthy, Happy, Confident

Lose Weight Post CNY with our Red Quinoa! (QUINOA SALE)

Hello Superfriends! Hope all of you are having a great Chinese New Year thus far, filled with lots of family reunions and amazing food. If you’re feeling a little guilty from all that festive season food indulgence, give our quinoa a try! Quinoa seeds are good carbs that aid in weight loss and increase metabolism due to its high fibre and high protein content. Replace your rice with quinoa and you’ll get yourself… WEIGHT LOSS CARBS! Lose weight with carbs? It’s possible with QUINOA! Lucky for you, we understand your need to shed the weight after all those nights of bak kwa and pineapple tart eating. So to help you out, we’re giving you 28% off our Red Quinoa using the code: SUPERCNY To Shop our Red Quinoa, click here. To Shop our Asian Quinoa Packs, Superlife Co Asian Quinoa Packs. Have you watched our latest Taste Test video yet? Singaporean Parents Try Quinoa for the First Time!  

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