Lead your Superlife: Healthy, Happy, Confident
Pair your Quinoa with Different Oils to make it more SHIOK!
Want to bring your Quinoa game to a whole new level?
The key is to pair your quinoa with just the right oil to enhance its flavours!
Keep reading to learn which oil goes best with which Asian Quinoa pack.
1. Coconut Oil
An oil renowned for its wonderful nutritional benefits, such as its ability to help you burn fat and improve blood cholesterol levels, Coconut Oil is the perfect addition to anything curry.
It adds a depth of flavour, a sort of creaminess to the curry quinoa… a delicious yet still healthy kind of lemak!
Add 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil to your rice cooker, along with the ingredients from the Superlife Co. Curry Quinoa packs. It goes perfectly with both the Spicy Curry Quinoa and the Thai Green Curry Quinoa. Give it a try 😉
Shop our Spicy Curry Quinoa, click here.
Shop our Thai Green Curry Quinoa, click here.
2. Sesame Oil
Sesame oil is known to improve hair and skin health due to its high protein content, as well as increase heart health, amongst many other medicinal benefits. It is often used in Asian cuisine, particularly that of Chinese, Japanese and Korean, for salads, stir-fries, marinades, etc. With this in mind, Sesame Oil is thus the perfect addition to our Asian Quinoa packs, specifically our Japanese Quinoa and Mushroom Quinoa.
Add 1 tablespoon of Sesame Oil to your rice cooker, along with the ingredients from the Superlife Co. Japanese or Mushroom Quinoa packs.
The result is a more home-cooked Quinoa flavour, which many people say tastes like something that their grandmas and moms would cook!
Shop our Mushroom Quinoa, click here.
Shop our Japanese Quinoa, click here.
Thai Green Curry Quinoa & Spicy Curry Quinoa goes with Coconut Oil. Japanese Quinoa & Mushroom Quinoa goes with Sesame Oil.HOWEVER, in the end of the day, adding a little bit of any sort of oil, even olive oil or avocado oil, will go a long way in giving your quinoa an umami taste. The extra flavour from coconut and sesame simply adds a new layer of familiar complexity to the Asian Quinoa pack’s flavours. You can even try pairing different oils with regular white, red or mixed quinoa! The only way you’ll know if the oil makes a difference is if you try it for yourself 🙂 Let us know how it goes in the comment section below and if you have any other oil pairing suggestions! Shop all of our Asian Quinoa packs, Superlife Co Asian Quinoa Packs Shop our Raw Quinoa, White Quinoa, Red Quinoa, Mixed Quinoa