Lead your Superlife: Healthy, Happy, Confident
Instant Quinoa Pack
Instant Quinoa Pack
Healthier Eating Made Simpler
Ready to eat 3MIN Instant Quinoa (Freeze Dried)Organic | Gluten-free | Vegan | Instant
No MSG, additives, preservatives
A healthier alternative to your rice/ cup noodles, quinoa has high protein and fibre content. It is also rich in nutrients.
Add it into your hot soup or use it as a crunchy topping for your salad, yogurt. Anything is possible!
✓ More energetic
✓ Better memory power
✓ Higher metabolism rate (burns fat faster)
✓ Healthier hair and nails
✓ Better complexion
You also may be interested in our Ready to eat 3MIN Instant Soup with Quinoa series that comes with real ingredients. Click here to learn more.
Note: 30-servings is being packaged in a wholesale bag
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